Paperweight? Coat hanger? Implement of death? You decide with this steel rebar skeleton hand! Choose from 3 styles, raw, clean, or tempered. All are welded together with 3/8” rebar, steel nuts, and a steel base plate drilled with 2 mounting holes.
Each of these are hand made, so the exact curvature of the fingers varies for each. The group photo shows the approximate variation you can expect. If you have a specific use case for these, please add that info in the notes at checkout.
The raw version is super loose, everything is eyeballed. I often look for weirder reused things to suffice as the base plate. It will be rusty and pretty gnarly when you get it.
Choosing clean or tempered versions means a lot more care and prep. These are sprayed several times with a clear coat, and should not rust at all if kept indoors. The baseplate is approx 2”x 3”
Final sizing is approx 12”h x 6”w x 4”d
Please allow up to 2 weeks before shipment. Though some are ready to ship, I can’t guarantee a receiving date. These are all shipped via UPS with insurance.